
There are many ways you can get data out of websites. This is called web scraping. The tool that really stands out is Scrapy. My go-to solution for any web scraping project.


You may ask why on Earth you want to scrape websites. One example that comes to my mind is analysis. Let’s say you want to get the average price of AMG Mercedes from 2005. Perhaps there are websites that could potentially give you this information. However, data could be outdated, behind paywall or inaccurate. My solution is to take the most popular website that sells cars, scrape it and perform my calculations.

Another example is when you want to buy a cheap, good car. I know, impossible, but leveraging scraping you can be notified when an interesting car is available. Honestly… Possibilities are endless.

Evaluation of solution

Every time I want to achieve something, I would spend a significant amount of time researching for already made solution. I hate reinventing the wheel. If the project is promising, and it lacks features that I need, I would work with the developer to make it better, so everybody can benefit. If we as society want to move forward, we need to collaborate and solve problems that are yet to be solved or at least improve existing solutions.

Web scraping is really boring, so a tool must be

The last point is very important. If the project does that, and it is quite popular, third party developers would make useful, general purpose plugins. For instance, when you scrape, you want to store it somewhere. Perhaps it is out of scope for the project to do that, but someone else could already make a plugin for it.

Enough talking, let’s get some work done.


NOTE: Always consult bellow commands with official documentation due to nature of software development.

Create python virtual environment:

python -m venv venv

Activate it:

. venv/bin/activate

Install Scrapy:

pip install Scrapy

Car scraping project

Let’s create it, Scrapy comes with built-in command to kick-start your project:

scrapy startproject otomoto

Now it’s time to generate spider:

scrapy genspider otomoto.pl otomoto.pl

This would create a spider from base template in otomoto/spiders/otomoto_pl.py.

Now, I won’t go into details of how to implement that particular spider, because this is really well covered in Scrapy documentation. But you can visit my scrapy-otomoto project where I actually did just that. Actual spider implementation is here.

Nevertheless, I want to show you a few nice things about Scrapy spiders.

You can use ItemLoaders in order to trim items or other kind of transformations

def remove_spaces(x):
    return x.replace(' ', '')

def convert_to_integer(x):
    return int(x)

class OtomotoCarLoader(ItemLoader):
    price_out = Compose(remove_spaces, convert_to_integer)

The above example would take price, remove spaces and convert value to integer. What it does essentially it invokes every function in Compose with scraped price and feed output to next function like compose pattern. Neat!

Another thing is to feed follow_all with selector containing desired links to parse that specific website under URL:

yield from response.follow_all(css='.blog-posts a', callback=self.blog_post)

It would go to links in that css selector and fire method blog_post with response argument.

Then you can yield any data you want from it in that callback.

Want to quickly debug your selectors, run

scrapy shell <link to website>

and you will get a response object on which you can experiment and when you are certain that your selectors are working fine, paste them into your code.


There are plenty of useful plug-ins also called middlewares in Scrapy nomenclature that extends its functionality without you writing any code.

Two most commonly used by me are scrapy-deltafetch and scrapy-mongodb.

Imagine a situation when you scraped some cars, and you would like to run your crawler next day. You would end up with duplicates, and you would need to filter them out somehow. With a bit of help from scrapy-deltafetch you can solve your problem without writing any single line of code. All you have to do is:

pip install scrapy-deltafetch

And in your setings.py:

    'scrapy_deltafetch.DeltaFetch': 100,


And you are done.

The same applies to scrapy-mongodb, add one line to settings, and you are done. All your data is now in Mongo database and in order to run Mongo instance all you have to do is execute one podman/docker command:

podman run -p mongo

NOTE: I do not recommend running Mongo like that in production.


As the above examples show, you don’t have to do much to have a nicely working scraping solution with storage. Working with Scrapy is a breeze and provided abstractions, tools, plug-ins for commonly used tasks prove to be a great solution for web scraping projects.